Trolling Motor Top Speed: Tips and Tricks from Experts

(Last Updated On: September 12, 2024)
 Trolling Motor Top Speed

Have you ever tried to speed up your boat, but something did not let you reach the goal? The main reason is lack of knowledge and fishing experience.

An angler should know everything about currents, fish, weeds, and obstacles that might occur in the chosen area. The direction and strength of the stream can help increase the speed of a boat. An angler must be aware of the top speed of the trolling motor. A person should use tricks to fasten the boat and maneuver the boat better.

This article will answer all your questions about trolling motor top speed. We have discussed essential points with experts to provide only truthful data. We hope that it will help you enjoy recreational fishing and predict things that might spoil your day out.

What is the Top Speed of Trolling Motors?

Recreational fishing

If you like recreational fishing, you will need to learn what speed to prefer to get the best catch. Experienced anglers tune their boats for that reason. They know details about their motor and its bracket, battery, and thrust. An expert is also aware of tricks that help gain higher speed and enjoy fishing longer. 

Professionals say the maximal speed of a trolling motor can be not more than 5 miles per hour. An average speed of a trolling motor is 3 to 4 mph. It seems to be too slow, but it is enough for recreational fishing. Manufacturers of trolling motors know that this speed is perfect for successful fishing. A fish moves faster only when hunting for something quicker. In other cases, 2 to 5 mph let fish notice and get the bait.

Anglers often argue about the thrust of the trolling motor and its effect on speed. People on various FAQ websites share their experiences. They often get upset when finding out that the higher thrust of their trolling motor does not increase their speed. Indeed, thrust has nothing to do with speed.

Both a 30 lb trolling motor and a 112 lb trolling motor give not more than 5 miles per hour. This is the case where more does not mean better and quicker. 

What is thrust? It is just the indicator that shows how powerful the motor is. Minn Kota’s official website gives the formula. It explains how to find out the speed of the motor, depending on revolutions per minute and prop pitch. The customer support states that thrust has nothing to do with the speed of a trolling motor. Trolling motor thrust aims to cope with water currents and tides. The higher thrust your boat has, the more turbulent waters it can withstand

What Factors Influence the Speed of the Trolling Motor

Quite often, a person can not get maximum out of sport fishing because of several circumstances. Before one decides to realize fishing plans, it is essential to learn about five main things.

1. Heavy means slow

To enjoy fishing, a person should take the required tools, bait, and things for personal comfort. When an angler forgets to charge the battery and plans to spend much time on the water, it will be necessary to take a portable charger and food. All this makes the boat heavy and slows it down.

2. Weather is to be suitable

Weather is to be suitable
Source: YouTube

Stormy and windy weather might spoil your plan. Wind direction can contradict your navigation abilities. Strong wind can speed upstreams and currents. Together, they will complicate your move. 

3. Water condition matters

It is better to investigate the place where you want to fish. Shallow waters, thick weeds, underwater rocks and logs, streams, tides, and other factors can prevent you from proper fishing. Experts recommend buying fish finders. They identify fish, show their speed, and reflect things at the bottom of the chosen spot. Due to that, one can maneuver the boat properly and avoid damages because of unpredicted invisible barriers.

4. Consider thrust of your trolling motor

55 lb thrust trolling motor and 80 lb thrust trolling motor provide the same speed, but they must fit the boat. Heavy boats need more thrust to operate and give the promised 5 mph.

Light boats in calm waters can run on 30 or 45 lb thrust trolling motors to satisfy the demands of an angler. 

5. Prefer high-quality motor and batteries

The weak and unstable construction or composition of a trolling motor can often break. It can also give not enough RPM. Damaged batteries slow down the boat because the motor does not get enough energy to run long and speedy.

When a person drives 5 mph long, the battery will exhaust soon. 

Tips for Beginners from Experts: How to Speed Up Your Boat 

What should a person do to develop 5 mph instead of 2 or 3? Experts recommend doing five things to guarantee the best results.

First, use the table below to select the best thrust of a trolling motor and the number of batteries, depending on your marine vessel. 

Weight of your marine vessel (pounds)Maximal length of the marine vessel (feet)What thrust to prefer?What battery/ batteries to get?
approximately 1,500 14 30 lb12v (1)
2,00018 45 lb12v (1)
2,5002155 lb12v (1)
not more than 3,500 2370 lb12v (2)
4,000 2580 lb12v (2)

Second, make a list of things you do need on the boat. Try to charge your battery in advance to avoid extra luggage. It is better to know what fish like not to take unnecessary things with. Some people take too many bottles of water, snacks, and even a cooler when having a small boat. You can afford such luxury only if your boat is big enough and your motor and battery are powerful.  

Do not take unnecessary things with you
Source: Pixabay

Third, buy a fish finder if possible. It does not empower your boat, but it will let you move without unpredicted obstacles. Weedy places with numerous logs and rocks can damage your boat, propeller, and motor. Advanced fish finders show the speed of currents. So you can adjust to the situation to avoid troubles.

Four, watch the weather forecast before fishing. Those whose boat is small with the trolling motor of low thrust must not go fishing in case of strong winds, currents, and tides. An angler can benefit when the wind direction coincides with the route. This trick will speed up the marine vessel.

Five, check up your motor and battery. Trolling motor or battery malfunctions result in slower speed and breakage. If the battery is not properly charged, the trolling motor will exhaust it soon. First, the boat will slow down and then stop. Professional check-up promises better functionality of motors and their batteries.

Will My Boat Go Faster If I Mount Two Trolling Motors?

Two trolling motors
Source: YouTube

Some anglers mount two trolling motors trying to increase their boat’s speed. Professionals assure nothing good can come out of it. First, the boat becomes heavier. Second, two trolling motors take more space. Third, together they need more energy, so one will need to take a charger with or buy additional batteries. Fourth and most important, they both go at the same speed. Consequently, a boat will develop the same 5 or maximum 6 miles per hour. 

Experienced anglers tried to have two trolling motors on their boats. They noticed only better maneuvering abilities due to opposite locations of motors. It was the only advantage. With two trolling motors, a boat did not go faster. Anglers overloaded their boats, reduced space, and spent less time on the water because of the low battery alert that occurred earlier. 

It is better to pay attention to the propeller. It must have a solid construction to be able to cope with weeds and turbulent waters.


An average trolling motor develops up to 5 miles per hour. If the speed is lower, it will be necessary to look for the reason. The trolling motor might be weak, or its size does not fit the boat’s dimensions. Weather and waters in the chosen spot are not to interfere. Experienced anglers benefit by selecting the right direction to make streams and wind increase the speed of the boat. Beginners need to make a plan or consult professionals to enjoy recreational fishing.

Top speed does not mean better fishing and catch. Manufacturers of fishing equipment know what strength and dimensions their products must be to create perfect fishing conditions. One must remember to charge the battery on time. The top speed of the trolling motor will drain the battery faster. So, you should either balance your speed or spend less time on the water. Another variant is to take a portable charger. 

We hope our guide was informative and useful for you. If any questions remain, please, feel free to comment. 

Trolling Motor Top Speed: Tips and Tricks from Experts-1-1

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