Thrust to Horsepower: How to Increase Thrust and Horsepower on Your Trolling Motor

(Last Updated On: August 21, 2024)
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Do you want to increase your trolling motor’s thrust and horsepower? If so, you’re in the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss how Thrust to Horsepower.

There are several things that you can do to increase your trolling motor’s performance, and we will cover them all in this article. So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fisherman, read on for tips on how to get the most out of your trolling motor!

The Difference Between Thrust and Horsepower

The Difference Between Thrust and Horsepower
Source: YouTube

Before we get into how to increase thrust and horsepower, it’s important to understand the difference between the two. Thrust is the force that moves your boat forward and is measured in pounds.

Horsepower, on the other hand, is a measure of the motor’s ability to generate thrust. It’s important to note that you can have a high-powered trolling motor without a lot of thrusts and vice versa.

How Many Pounds of Thrust in a Trolling Motor Is Equal to One Horsepower?

In the case of trolling motors, one horsepower is equal to 33,000 foot-pounds per minute
Source: YouTube

To answer that, we need to understand a little bit about how trolling motors are rated. Thrust is usually given in pounds (lbs) and horsepower is a measure of work overtime. In the case of trolling motors, one horsepower is equal to 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. This means that a trolling motor with 100 lbs of thrust can move 300 pounds (100 x 33) in one minute, or 150 pounds in 30 seconds.

In the case of trolling motors, one horsepower is equal to 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. This means that a trolling motor with 100 lbs of thrust can move 300 pounds (100 x 33) in one minute, or 150 pounds in 30 seconds.

One way to think of this is by looking at your car’s engine. If you have a V-12 engine, it will have 12 cylinders that fire in sequence and create power. That same engine could be used in a smaller car like a VW Beetle or a large SUV.

The size of the engine would be the same, but it would produce different amounts of power based on how it is being used. The same goes for trolling motors – a larger motor will produce more thrust, but it will also use more horsepower.

How to increase thrust and horsepower on your trolling motor

use a higher pitch propeller

Now that we know how to convert thrust to horsepower, let’s look at how to increase both on your trolling motor. There are a few different ways to do this, and the best way depends on what you’re trying to achieve.

If you’re looking for more power in terms of speed, then you’ll want to increase the amount of Thrust your trolling motor has. This can be done by adding a second battery, upgrading to a higher voltage battery, or using a higher pitch propeller.

This can be done by adding a second battery, upgrading to a higher voltage battery, or using a higher pitch propeller.

If you’re looking for more power in terms of longer run times, then you’ll want to increase the efficiency of your trolling motor. This can be done by using a lower pitch propeller, adding a battery gauge, or upgrading to a more efficient trolling motor.

No matter what your goal is, there are ways to increase both thrust and horsepower on your trolling motor. By understanding how these two measures work together, you can make sure that you have the right amount of power for your needs.

What You Need to Know About Trolling Motor Thrust

Experiment with different settings and configurations
Source: YouTube

If you’re not sure how much thrust your trolling motor needs, a good rule of thumb is to start with the manufacturer’s recommended amount of thrust for your boat. From there, you can experiment with different Thrust settings to see what works best for you and your fishing conditions.

One way to increase the power of your trolling motor is by upgrading to a more powerful model. If you find that you need more thrust than what your current trolling motor can provide, consider upgrading to a model with more horsepower. Doing this will give you more control over your boat and help you fish in a variety of different conditions.

Another way to increase the power of your trolling motor is by adding an extra battery. This will give you more run time and allow you to fish for longer periods. If you’re not sure how to add an extra battery, consult your trolling motor’s owner’s manual or contact the manufacturer.

Finally, consider investing in a trolling motor with variable speed control. This feature will allow you to fine-tune the power of your trolling motor and make small adjustments as needed. Variable speed control is especially helpful when fishing in windy conditions or when trying to avoid spooking fish.

By following these tips, you can increase the thrust and horsepower of your trolling motor and have more success on the water. Experiment with different settings and configurations until you find what works best for you and your boat.

What Affects Trolling Motor Thrust?

the pitch of your propeller also affects thrust
via @boatidco

There are a few factors that affect the amount of thrust that your trolling motor can generate. These include the size and shape of your propeller, the amount of power (in volts) that you’re using, and the speed at which your propeller is turning.

In general, a larger propeller will generate more thrust than a smaller one. But there’s a trade-off – a large propeller may not be as efficient as a smaller one, meaning it will use more battery power to turn at the same speed.

The pitch of your propeller also affects thrust. A prop with a higher pitch (meaning the blades are angled more sharply) will bite into the water better and produce more thrust than one with a lower pitch. However, it will also be less efficient and use more battery power.

You can increase the thrust of your trolling motor by increasing the power (in volts) that you’re using. This will make the motor run faster and produce more thrust. However, it will also use more battery power.

Finally, the speed at which your propeller is turning affects thrust. In general, a faster-turning propeller will generate more thrust than a slower-turning one. But again, there’s a trade-off – a fast-turning prop will be less efficient and use more battery power.

Battery Charge

make sure your battery is fully charged

One way to increase the thrust and horsepower of your trolling motor is to make sure your battery is fully charged.

A battery that is not properly charged will not be able to provide the power needed to run the trolling motor at its full potential.

Current (Lake or River)

look for telltale signs of current

The first thing you need to do is find out what the current is doing. Is it running downstream or upstream? If you don’t know, look for telltale signs like debris or foam on the water. This will help you determine which way the current is flowing.

Once you know which direction the current is moving, position your trolling motor so that it is pointing into the current. This will give you the most thrust and horsepower for your trolling motor.

If there is no current, or if the current is too weak to matter, then simply point your trolling motor straight ahead. This will give you the most thrust and horsepower possible.

Remember, when it comes to Thrust to Horsepower, positioning is everything! So make sure you take the time to position your trolling motor correctly.

Run Time

use formulas to calculate your motor’s run time
Source: YouTube

You can use the following formulas to calculate your motor’s run time. Use the total number of amp-hours that your batteries can provide and divide it by the number of amps that your trolling motor draws. This will give you an estimate of how long your trolling motor will run on a single charge.

For example, if you have two 12-volt batteries that each have a capacity of 100 amp hours, and your trolling motor draws 50 amps, then you would divide 200 by 50 to get an estimated run time of four hours.

If you want to extend the run time of your trolling motor, there are a few things that you can do.

  • First, make sure that you are using high-quality batteries.
  • Second, use a higher gear ratio.
  • Third, use a smaller propeller.
  • Fourth, keep your batteries charged and in good condition.

The Weather Is Calm or Windy

If you’re heading out in calm weather, you can get by with less power
via @roypow_lithium

If you’re heading out in calm weather, you can get by with less power.

But if it’s windy or there are strong waves, you’ll want to make sure your trolling motor has enough thrust and horsepower to keep your boat moving steadily.

Wrong Motor Size

the larger and heavier your boat, the stronger the thrust you need to propel it through the water
via @shore_up

If you’re using the wrong size trolling motor for your boat, it will be difficult to generate enough thrust to move your boat through the water. A good rule of thumb is that the larger and heavier your boat, the stronger the thrust you need to propel it through the water.

If you’re not sure what size trolling motor you need, consult with a professional. Once you’ve determined the correct size trolling motor for your boat, make sure it’s properly mounted. 

What Happens If Your Trolling Motor Is Too Small?

If your trolling motor is too small, it can't provide enough speed to move
via @zmc.ponyjumping

If your trolling motor is too small, you may find that it can’t provide enough power to move your boat at the speed you want. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re trying to fish in a particular spot or reach a certain destination.

How Technicals Influence The Pounds of Thrust (Force)

thrust to horsepower
Source: YouTube

The relationship between the pounds of thrust (force) generated by a trolling motor and the amount of power (horsepower) it uses is governed by laws of physics. The force required to move an object through a fluid is called drag. The faster an object moves through a fluid, the greater the drag.

To overcome this drag, more force must be applied. This increase in drag is exponential; doubling the speed of an object quadruples the drag. Since horsepower is a measure of work done over time, and trolling motors are designed to maintain a relatively constant speed, the amount of power required to overcome the drag increases with the square of the speed.

So, if you want to double your trolling motor’s thrust, you need to quadruple its horsepower.

The 3 Misconceptions

there are a few misconceptions about what will increase power
Source: YouTube

If you’re looking to increase the thrust and horsepower of your trolling motor, there are a few things you should know. Unfortunately, there are a few misconceptions about what will increase power. We’ll dispel those myths and give you the information you need to make your trolling motor more powerful.

More Batteries = More Power

adding more batteries not will increase power
via @eternallithium

The first misconception is that adding more batteries will increase power. More batteries may give you more runtime, but they won’t necessarily increase the amount of thrust or horsepower your trolling motor has.

Bigger Motor Is Better

The size of the trolling motor doesn't necessarily dictate how much power it has
via @dizzofishing

The second myth is that a bigger trolling motor will be more powerful. This isn’t always the case either. The size of the trolling motor doesn’t necessarily dictate how much power it has.

Motor Speed Increases with Thrust Size

the speed of your trolling motor not will increase with the size of the thrust
Source: YouTube

The last misconception is that the speed of your trolling motor will increase with the size of the thrust. Again, this isn’t always true.

The speed of your trolling motor is determined by several factors, including the type of propeller it has, the amount of power it has, and the efficiency of the motor.

So what can you do to increase thrust and horsepower? One option is to upgrade to a more powerful trolling motor. Another option is to add an external battery pack to your existing trolling motor. This will give you more runtime and may also increase power.

You could also try changing the propeller on your trolling motor. A bigger or different-shaped propeller can make a big difference in how much thrust your trolling motor has.

Whatever route you decide to go, make sure you do your research and understand how it will affect the power of your trolling motor. With a little bit of knowledge, you can easily increase the thrust and horsepower of your trolling motor.


To increase thrust and horsepower on your trolling motor, you'll need to consider a few key factors
via @minnkotamotors

To increase thrust and horsepower on your trolling motor, you’ll need to consider a few key factors.

  • First, look at the size and weight of your boat. A bigger boat will require more power to move.
  • Second, check the condition of your propeller. A worn or damaged propeller can significantly reduce thrust and horsepower.
  • Finally, make sure that you have enough battery power to run your trolling motor at full power.

By following these simple tips, you can increase both the Thrust and Horsepower of your trolling motor. This will help you catch more fish and have more fun on the water! So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start fishing! 

Thanks for reading! If you liked this article about Thrust to Horsepower please share it with your friend. Do you have any tips for increasing thrust and horsepower? Let us know in the comments below! And be sure to check out our other blog posts on all things fishing. Happy fishing!

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